“I am working on a Federal case and wanted to thank you and all the folks @SEAK for the knowledge gained in your course. I am working w/ several Ass’t US attorneys (AUSAs) that I have worked with in the past and they have noticed the difference. I am scheduled to be deposed tomorrow at the AUSAs’ office – not mine, I told them! They held a mock “grilling” on Friday and the conclusion was, “We beat you severely about the ‘head and face’, much worse than the plaintiff’s attorney will and you handled it just fine!” As the questions came, I continually remembered the principles SEAK taught – hear the whole question, make sure you understand it, answer only that question, answer only what you’re an expert in, etc. We’ll see how I do tom’w during the real thing. So I thought it would only be right to thank your group for the lessons learned. (Yes, you may use this in a “promo’).”