Errata Sheets in Washington are governed statutorily by the Superior Court Civil Rules, Rule 30(e). Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 4.5.30 (West 2017). This rule requires that once the transcript is complete, it should be submitted to the witness for reading and examination unless the parties have mutually agreed to waive the reading and examination. Id. The witness can make any changes he/she desires in form or substance to the transcript so long as the witness provides reasons for the changes. Id. The witness should then sign the deposition, unless the parties have mutually agreed to waive the signature. Id. The witness has 30 days to read, examine, and sign the transcript once the transcript has been submitted to the witness. Id. If the witness does not sign the transcript within 30 days, whether because of refusal or any other reason, the deposition officer will sign the transcript and it will be considered fully signed. Id. If a witness makes changes to the deposition transcript, both the original answers and the corrected answers are admissible in court for use by the opposing party. Seattle-First Nat. Bank v. Rankin, 367 P.2d 835 (Wash. 1962).

Download SEAK’s: 247 Sample Deposition Questions for Expert Witnesses